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Research progress on pharmacological effects of compatible preparations of Epimedium brevicornu in the treatment of geriatric diseases

Published on Oct. 26, 2023Total Views: 3423 times Total Downloads: 1095 times Download Mobile

Author: Yu CHEN Li-Ning YANG Jia-Li LU You-Qin SHI Yang LI Xin ZHANG

Affiliation: Department of Pharmacy, Second Provincial Peoples Hospital of Gansu, Lanzhou 730000, China

Keywords: Epimedium brevicornu Geriatric diseases Active ingredients Pharmacological effects

DOI: 10.19960/j.issn.1005-0698.202310009

Reference: Yu CHEN, Li-Ning YANG, Jia-Li LU, You-Qin SHI, Yang LI, Xin ZHANG.Research progress on pharmacological effects of compatible preparations of Epimedium brevicornu in the treatment of geriatric diseases[J].Yaowu Liuxingbingxue Zazhi,2023, 32(10): 1158-1169.DOI: 10.19960/j.issn.1005-0698.202310009.[Article in Chinese]

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Epimedium brevicornu is a dry leaf of berberidae, which is often used in kidney Yang deficiency. Traditional Chinese medicine takes full account of the characteristics of drugs to form prescriptions in a principle which is named Monarch, Minister, Assistant and Guide. Rational compatibility or prescription can not only increase curative effect, but also reduce adverse reactions. In traditional Chinese medicine, it is called "Xiangshu" and "Xiangzhi". The aging of Chinese population has become an increasingly serious social problem. Osteoporosis and other geriatric diseases are always bothering the elderly. In recent years, many scholars have made more in-depth research on the compatibility of epimedium and its active ingredients for the prevention and treatment of geriatric diseases, but there is a lack of comprehensive arrangement of such research. Therefore, this paper summarizes the research progress of the compatible preparations of epimedium and its active components in the treatment of osteoporosis, sexual dysfunction, and dementia by analyzing the literature in this decade, so as to provide reference for the development and application of Epimedium preparations in the treatment of geriatric diseases and provide ideas for the compatibility research of traditional Chinese medicine.

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