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Study on extraction and molding technology of Lushen Bushen tablets,2023, 32(3): 270-279

Published on Mar. 24, 2023Total Views: 1621 times Total Downloads: 677 times Download Mobile

Author: Wei-Ting WANG 1 Shuang LIU 2 Mao-Quan LIN 2 Deng-Ke XIONG 3 Qian ZENG 1 Chong-Ming LI 3 Zhi-Jun HUANG 1

Affiliation: 1. School of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Life Sciences, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan 430070, China 2. Food and Drug Inspection Center, State Drug Administration, Beijing 100044, China 3. Jianmin Pharmaceutical Group Co.Ltd., Wuhan 430052, China

Keywords: Lushen Bushen tablets Single factor experiment Orthogonal experiment Extraction process Molding process

DOI: 10.19960/j.issn.1005-0698.202303005

Reference: Wei-Ting WANG, Shuang LIU, Mao-Quan LIN, Deng-Ke XIONG, Qian ZENG,Chong-Ming LI, Zhi-Jun HUANG.Study on extraction and molding technology of Lushen Bushen tablets,2023, 32(3): 270-279.DOI: 10.19960/j.issn.1005-0698.202303005.[Article in Chinese]

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Objective  To screen the optimal extraction process and molding process of Lushen Bushen tablets.

Methods  The extraction rate, icariin content and transfer rate were used as indexes to optimize the extraction and alcohol precipitation process parameters of Epimedium in aqueous solution by orthogonal test. With calycosin glucoside content as the index, the process parameters of water extraction of Astragalus membranaceus and other medicinal materials were optimized by orthogonal test. The optimal molding process of Lushen Tonifying kidney tablet was determined by the appearance, hardness and disintegration time of the tablet.

Results  The optimum extraction conditions were as follows: add 15 times of water, decoction and extract for 3 times, 2 h each time, concentrate to a relative density of 1.16~1.18 (60℃), add ethanol to make the alcohol content 70%, and stand for 24 h. The optimal water extraction conditions of Astragalus membranaceus and other herbs were as follows: add 10 times of water, decoction and extract twice, 2 hours each time, concentrate to the extract with a relative density of 1.30~1.35 (50~60℃). The optimal molding process was starch as filling agent, the ratio of extract to auxiliary material was 0.6:1, 90% ethanol as wetting agent, and the addition method of disintegrating agent was additive method.

Conclusion  The preferred extraction process can improve the content of active ingredients in the intermediate product. The preferred molding process is stable and feasible, with high molding rate, smooth tablet pressing and convenient production.

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