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Herbal textual and modern research of Zijingpi and Zijinpi

Published on Jul. 29, 2023Total Views: 2168 times Total Downloads: 558 times Download Mobile

Author: Ya-Ping WEI 1 Yi WU 1 Zi-Hang CAI 1 Xiang-Yu ZHANG 1 Zhen-Yu XUAN 1, 2 Wei-An YUAN 3

Affiliation: 1. School of Chinese Medicine, Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shanghai 201203, China 2. Suzhou Yusen New Drug Development Co.Ltd, Suzhou 215000, Jiangsu Province, China 3. Shuguang Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shanghai 201203, China

Keywords: Zijingpi Zijinpi Textual research Origins Efficacy Modern research

DOI: 10.19960/j.issn.1005-0698.202307012

Reference: Ya-Ping WEI, Yi WU, Zi-Hang CAI, Xiang-Yu ZHANG, Zhen-Yu XUAN, Wei-An YUAN.Herbal textual and modern research of Zijingpi and Zijinpi[J].Yaowu Liuxingbingxue Zazhi,2023, 32(7):819-829.DOI: 10.19960/j.issn.1005-0698.202307012.[Article in Chinese]

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Zijingpi, now also known as Zijinpi, is utilized as a traditional Chinese medicine. Various sources in different regions lead in the same name with foreign bodies and foreign bodies with the same name, resulting in long-term confusion in the use of medicine. The most popular and controversial are Cercis chinensis Bunge bark from Bauhinia legume and Kadsura longipedunculata Finet Gagnep from Schisandra magnolia. In view of the current situation, it is urgent to trace the history and connection between them in medicinal uses in their ancient literature. Now, by searching, summarizing and analyzing two confusing names of Zijingpi and Zijinpi in the herbal and medical literature of all times, the name, basic origin, properties and efficacy of both were investigated and analyzed combined with modern records and applications, this work forms an exposition. The terms Zijingpi and Zijinpi were discovered to be non-interchangeable, the efficacy was extremely different, and clinical application should be separated. On the name, if the proper name is Zijingpi, Hongneixiao should be its alias; if Zijinpi is the correct name, Hongmuxiang should be the alias. Zijingpi and Zijinpi appeared from Song dynasty, and there was confusion between them, to Yuan and Ming dynasty, it was widely used and distinguished gradually, and appeared alternately or simultaneously in ancient books of past dynasties, and the mixing phenomenon continued until modern times. The origins of Zijingpi should be Cercis chinensis Bunge, while the origins of Zijinpi should be Kadsura longipedunculata Finet Gagnep. In terms of efficacy, the main effects of Zijingpi are to break the persistent blood, treat the gonorrhoea, eliminate nameless swelling and poison, and relieve snake and insect poison; the main effects of Zijinpi are to activate blood circulation, relieve pain, treat knee wind, and regulate the spleen and stomach, and are used for injuries, broken tendons, stabbing pain and other symptoms. The Kadsura longipedunculata Finet Gagnep is not only a medicinal variety for ancient clinical long-term use, but also the mainstream variety with the most widespread application in modern times. This study defines the history of the name, origins, properties, and efficacy of Zijingpi and Zijinpi by combing through ancient texts, and gives some references for their differentiation, modern application, standard revision, and development.

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