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Neurologic adverse reactions caused by varaciclovir dispersible tablets in hemodialysis patients: a case report

Published on May. 30, 2023Total Views: 1376 times Total Downloads: 554 times Download Mobile

Author: Jing CHEN Hua CHENG

Affiliation: Department of Pharmacy, Beijing Luhe Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing, 101149, China

Keywords: Varaciclovir Hemodialysis Neurologic Adverse reactions

DOI: 10.19960/j.issn.1005-0698.202305015

Reference: Jing CHEN, Hua CHENG.Neurologic adverse reactions caused by varaciclovir dispersible tablets in hemodialysis patients: a case report[J].Yaowu Liuxingbingxue Zazhi,2023, 32(5): 596-600.DOI: 10.19960/j.issn.1005-0698.202305015.[Article in Chinese]

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A female, 65 years old; patient was admitted to the hospital on March 30, 2022 due to topulmonary infection. The patient had a history of diabetes, hypertension, and old cerebral infarction for 8 years, and had no impairment in physical activity or language communication; she has a stage 5 chronic kidney disease with regular hemodialysis and is allergic to "synergistic sulfonate tablets". After admission, she was given moxifloxacin and piperacillin sodium and sulbactam sodium to treat pulmo-nary infection. On April 5, she started to take valaciclovir dispersive tablets and loprofendein sustained release tablets. On April 8, she developed speech impairment. Improved head CT and MRI examination showed no cerebral hemorrhage and new cerebral infarction. The symptoms worsened on April 9, and she developed cognitive impairment and drowsiness, which was considered to be related to valaciclovir. Valaciclovir was stopped on April 10, and the patient was discharged from hospital with improved neu-rological symptoms after multiple hemodialysis. According to the Naranjo Causality Evaluation Scale of adverse reactions, the association between this adverse reaction and valaciclovir was evaluated as probable. The concentration of main metabolites of valaciclovir was correlated with its neurotoxicity. When this adverse reaction occurs clinically, the suspected drug should be stopped at first. If necessary, peritoneal dialysis or hemodialysis can promote the excretion of the drug.

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