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Visual analysis of the mechanism of natural medicines and traditional Chinese medicines in the treatment of acute lung injury based on CiteSpace

Published on Oct. 26, 2023Total Views: 2096 times Total Downloads: 534 times Download Mobile

Author: Jing PENG Qiao-Ling LI Yan MEI Li-Peng XING Ping GAO Lin-Hui LIU

Affiliation: Department of Pharmacy, Wuhan Children’s Hospital (Wuhan Maternal and Child Healthcare Hospital), Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science & Technology, Wuhan 430016, China

Keywords: Natural medicines Traditional Chinese medicines Acute lung injury Mechanism CiteSpace Visual Bibliometrics

DOI: 10.19960/j.issn.1005-0698.202311013

Reference: Jing PENG, Qiao-Ling LI, Yan MEI, Li-Peng XING, Ping GAO, Lin-Hui LIU.Visual analysis of the mechanism of natural medicines and traditional Chinese medicines in the treatment of acute lung injury based on CiteSpace[J].Yaowu Liuxingbingxue Zazhi,2023, 32(11):1296-1304.DOI: 10.19960/j.issn.1005-0698.202311013.[Article in Chinese]

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Objective  To sort out and summarize the research hotspots and development trends of the mechanism of natural medicines and traditional Chinese medicines in the treatment acute lung injury, and to provide basis and feasible suggestions for follow-up research.

Methods  The relevant literatures on the mechanism of natural medicines and traditional Chinese medicines in the treatment of acute lung injury in CNKI database were retrieved, and the keywords were visualized analyzed by CiteSpace.

Results  A total of 752 literatures were included, involving 475 keywords, forming 11 representative clusters. The hotspots in this field mainly focus on the anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidation, regulation of autophagy cell and apoptosis mechanisms of natural drugs. In this process, NF-κB was the most frequently involved target. The therapeutic drugs studied included the active ingredients of natural drugs, traditional Chinese medicine and traditional Chinese patent medicine. Metabolomics, autophagy, zebrafish, molecular docking, natural drug active ingredients (naringin, fritillarin A, luteolin, glycyrrhizic acid) were emerging topics of research in recent years, while anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, apoptosis, and traditional Chinese medicine (salvia miltiorrhiza, ligustrazine, astragalus, rhubarb) were classic topics with a long span.

Conclusion  At present, the research of natural medicines and traditional Chinese medicines in the treatment of acute lung injury involves many components and targets. Metabolomics and molecular docking technology will contribute to the systematic study of the mechanism of natural drugs and traditional Chinese medicines.

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