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Identification of serum markers of Zhizhu Lian-xia decoction in treating chronic gastritis rats based on metabonomics

Published on Jul. 29, 2023Total Views: 2353 times Total Downloads: 508 times Download Mobile

Author: Yu-Chen ZANG 1, 2 Sheng-Juan WANG 1, 2 Jun-Da XU 3 Sheng-Yao MA 1, 2

Affiliation: 1. Department of Pharmacy, Beijing Shijitan Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100038, China 2. Beijing Key Laboratory of Bio-characteristic Profiling for Evaluation of Rational Drug Use, Beijing 100038, China 3. School of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100069, China

Keywords: Zhizhu Lianxia decoction Chronic gastritis rats Glycolytic pathway HPLC Metabo-lomics

DOI: 10.19960/j.issn.1005-0698.202307005

Reference: Yu-Chen ZANG, Sheng-Juan WANG.Identification of serum markers of Zhizhu Lianxia decoction in treating chronic gastritis rats based on metabonomics[J].Yaowu Liuxingbingxue Zazhi,2023, 32(7): 755-765.DOI: 10.19960/j.issn.1005-0698.202307005.[Article in Chinese]

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Objective  To explore the characteristics of the changes in serum metabolites of Zhizhu Lianxia decoc-tion in treating chronic gastritis model rats based on HPLC metabonomics, and to provide a reference for traditional Chinese medicine to treat chronic gastritis and improve metabolic disorders.

Methods  40 male SD rats were ran-domly divided into 4 groups: the normal control group, the model group, the positive drug control group and the Zhizhu Lianxia decoction treatment group, 10 in each group. The rats in the normal control group were fed routinely, and the rats in the other 3 groups were used to establish chronic gastritis models. After the model was successfully constructed, the rats in the normal control group and the model group were fed normally every day, and the Zhizhu Lianxia decoction treatment group was given 18 g·kg-1 Zhizhu Lianxia decoction daily on the basis of the normal con-trol group; on the basis of the normal control group, rats in the positive drug control group were given 0.648 g·kg-1 Weiyankang capsules daily for 8 weeks. During the whole experiment, the rats in each group were weighed once every 2 weeks. After the treatment, the pH value and pepsin activity of the gastric juice of each group were determined; the HE method was used to observe the gastric tissue morphology of rats; the immunohistochemical method was used to detect the gastric mucosal protective factors, such as epidermal growth factor (EGF) and transforming growth factor α (TGF-α), and the content of pepsinogen (PG) in the serum of rats; HPLC method was used to analysis the metabolites in rat serum, the orthogonal projections to latent structures discriminant analysis (OPLS-DA) was used to analyze the data of all groups, and finally the serum markers of rats in each group were determined.

Results  Zhizhu Lianxia decoc-tion decreased the pH (P<0.05) and increased pepsin activity (P<0.05) in rats with chronic gastritis; HE staining showed that Zhishulianxia decoction significantly improved the structure of gastric tissues in rats with chronic gastri-tis (P<0.05); immunohistochemical staining showed that Zhizhu Lianxia decoction significantly reduced the positive expression of TGF-ɑ in gastric tissues (P<0.05); the PG content in serum was determined and found to be significantly increased in rats with chronic gastritis (P<0.05). The results of HPLC-MS analysis of serum metabolites in all groups of rats showed that Zhizhu Lianxia decoction could change the metabolic levels of betaine, methionine, glycogen, glucose, phenylalanine, glutathione and hypoxanthine in the serum of rats; significantly restore the levels of malonic acid, ino-sine, inositol, glutamine, methylphenylenedioxyethanolamine and nicotinamide; regulate the metabolites such as glycerol, lactic acid and acetoacetate.

Conclusion  Zhizhu Lianxia decoction has a significant therapeutic effect in the treatment of chronic gastritis rats, and it is closely related to the glycolytic metabolic pathway.

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