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Research on the processing technology and product quality of calamine

Published on Apr. 27, 2023Total Views: 1568 times Total Downloads: 602 times Download Mobile

Author: Chun-Mei LI 1 Wei WANG 1 Ji HAO 1 Wu-Jie YANG 1 Qiang ZHANG 1 Cheng-Guo JU 1 Ming YANG 2

Affiliation: 1. College of Pharmacy, Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Dalian 116600, Liaoning Province, China 2. College of Pharmacy, Jiangxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Nanchang 330000, China

Keywords: Calamine Calcining and quenching Water-flying Processing technology Content of ZnO

DOI: 10.19960/j.issn.1005-0698.202304007

Reference: Chun-Mei LI, Wei WANG, Ji HAO, Wu-Jie YANG, Qiang ZHANG, Cheng-Guo JU, Ming YANG.Research on the processing technology and product quality of calamine,2023, 32(4): 417-425.DOI: 10.19960/j.issn.1005-0698.202304007.[Article in Chinese]

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Objective  To establish the best calamine calcined and quenched water-flying process and analyze the product quality.

Methods  Taking the yield of water-flying product and the increase of ZnO as the index, the water-flying times and water consumption of calamine were optimized, and the calcining process was optimized by L9(34) orthogonal test with calcining time, calcining water con-sumption and calcining times as the investigation factors; 20 batches of medicinal materials were calcined, quenched and processed, the content of ZnO in the products and corresponding raw products was determined, and the quality of the products was analyzed.

Results  The optimal processing pa-rameters of calcined and quenched water-flying are as follows: calamine is crushed to 7-9 mm, cal-cined at 700℃ for 20 min, and quenched twice with three times of water, fully ground, stirred with water, left for 20 s, poured out the suspension, and repeated for 8 times. The water consumption for each time is 40 times for the first time, 25 times for the second time, 20 times for the third to fourth time, 15 times for the fifth to sixth time, and 10 times for the seventh to eighth time. The quality of the obtained product is related to the quality of the corresponding raw product.

Conclusion  The calcined and quenched water-flying process technology is stable and reliable, and can be used for the production of calamine decoction pieces.

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