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Investigation on knowledge, attitude and practice of cephalosporins skin test among medical staff in China

Published on Jul. 02, 2024Total Views: 1714 times Total Downloads: 430 times Download Mobile

Author: LIU Jiaming 1, 2 CHU Yanqi 1, 2 ZHANG Lan 1, 2

Affiliation: 1. Department of Pharmacy, Xuanwu Hospital Capital Medical University, Beijing 100053, China 2. National Clinical Research Center for Geriatric Diseases, Beijing 100053, China

Keywords: Medical staff Cephalosporins Skin test Knowledge Attitude and practice Influencing factors

DOI: 10.12173/j.issn.1005-0698.202308059

Reference: LIU Jiaming, CHU Yanqi, ZHANG Lan.Investigation on knowledge, attitude and practice of cephalosporins skin test among medical staff in China[J].Yaowu Liuxingbingxue Zazhi,2024, 33(6):621-631.DOI: 10.12173/j.issn.1005-0698.202308059.[Article in Chinese]

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Objective  To analyze the current situation and influencing factors of knowledge, attitude and practice among medical personnel in medical institutions in China regarding skin testing of cephalosporins, to provide reference for standardizing medical behavior related to skin test.

Methods  A self-designed questionnaire on knowledge, attitude and practice of cephalosporins skin test was used to survey medical staff in China. The questionnaire QR code was distributed to medical institutions nationwide through WeChat, and participants participated voluntarily and anonymously. Knowledge, attitude, and practice scores of medical staff with different educational level, job positions, professional titles were calculated, and influencing factors were analyzed using Wilcoxon rank sum test, multiple linear regression analysis, and other statistical methods.

Results  873 medical staff from 205 medical institutions in 30 provinces participated in this survey. The scores of knowledge (total score 16), attitude (total score 20) and practice (total score 20) in the cephalosporins skin test were 10 (8, 12), 13 (12, 15) and 12  (9, 15), respectively. The results of multiple linear regression showed that educational level, job position and professional title were correlated with knowledge and attitude scores (P<0.05). Graduate medical personnel had better knowledge and positive attitudes than specialized medical personnel. Pharmacists had better knowledge and a positive attitude than doctors and nurses. Medical personnel with intermediate and senior professional titles had better knowledge mastery and a positive attitude than those with junior and lower professional titles. Knowledge level is positively correlated with attitude (P<0.05). Gender, job position and professional title were correlated with practice scores (P<0.05). Female medical staff exhibited less positive practice than the male medical staff. Nurses exhibited more positive practices than pharmacists. Medical personnel with senior professional titles exhibited more positive practice than those with junior and lower professional titles. Knowledge, attitude was positively correlated with practice (P<0.05). There was no statistically significant difference in the mediating effect of attitude on the influence of knowledge on practice (P=0.085).

Conclusion  The knowledge, attitude and practice of cephalosporins skin test among medical personnel in China need to be strengthened. Training programs should be tailored to address the differences in knowledge, attitude, and practice among medical staff in different positions and professional titles, to enhance knowledge levels, establish positive attitudes, and standardize skin test-related medical behavior.

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