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Analysis of levofloxacin-related medication errors and prevention suggestions in the elderly in China

Published on May. 30, 2023Total Views: 1766 times Total Downloads: 559 times Download Mobile

Author: Liu-Jun ZHOU 1, 2 Xiao-Ling LI 1 Yu-Qin WANG 1 [WL 7322681@sina.com]Qing-Xia ZHANG, 1

Affiliation: 1. Department of Pharmacy, Xuanwu Hospital of Capital Medical University, National Gerontic Disease Clinical Research Center, Beijing 100053, China 2. Department of Clinical Pharmacy, School of Pharmacy, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100069, China

Keywords: Levofloxacin Elderly Medication safety Medication errors

DOI: 10.19960/j.issn.1005-0698.202305001

Reference: Liu-Jun ZHOU, Xiao-Ling LI, Yu-Qin WANG, Qing-Xia ZHANG.Analysis of levofloxacin-related medication errors and prevention suggestions in the elderly in China[J].Yaowu Liuxingbingxue Zazhi,2023, 32(5): 481-488.DOI: 10.19960/j.issn.1005-0698.202305001.[Article in Chinese]

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Objective  To investigate the incidence and causes of medication errors (MEs) related to levofloxacin in the elderly (≥60 years old) in China so as to put forward suggestions for targeted precau-tions.

Methods  Reports about levofloxacin-related MEs (excluding topical preparations) in the elderly were extracted from the National Monitoring Network for Clinical Safe Drug Medication between Sep-tember 22, 2012 and September 22, 2021. The severity of errors, content of errors, where errors were made, the personnel who made these errors, and causes of errors were retrospectively analyzed statis-tically.

Results  A total of 286 MEs reports were extracted, including 164 males and 122 females, with a median age of 70 (60-98) years old. When it came to severity of MEs, errors of class B were dominating (194 cases, 67.83%). As for the severe MEs (10 cases, 3.50%), 3 patients with adverse drug reation did not quitted medication promptly, 2 patients with severe renal insufficiency did not undergo dose ad-justment, 2 patients with a history of allergy were prescripted with levofloxacin, 2 patients with levofloxacin were treated with doxofylline, 1 patient had phlebitis due to rapid infusion. The personnel who triggered ME were mainly physicians (220 cases,76.92%), and the first three errors contents were frequency, dosage and variety. Most of these MEs were due to lack of knowledge or training and fatigue. Followed by pharmacists (41 cases, 14.34%), and the first three errors contents were variety, quantity and specification, and most of them were caused by LASA drugs. 234 cases (81.82%) of errors were identified by pharmacists.

Conclusion The use of levofloxacin in elderly patients should pay attention to prescription, dispensing and medication errors. Variety selection and dose adjustment in patients with renal insufficiency, the contraindications and caution of levofloxacin, the frequency of levofloxacin ad-ministration and drug interaction should be focused on. It is recommended that information construc-tion be fortified to decrease the ME of the prescription link, drug selection be taken seriously, clinicians be better informed of rational drug use.

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