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One case of drug-induced liver injury caused by Morodan

Published on Mar. 24, 2023Total Views: 2470 times Total Downloads: 1187 times Download Mobile

Author: Yue GAO Yan-Li ZHANG

Affiliation: Department of Pharmacy, Shanghai Songjiang District Central Hospital, Shanghai 201600, China

Keywords: Morodan Drug-induced liver injury Adverse drug reactions

DOI: 10.19960/j.issn.1005-0698.202303014

Reference: Yue GAO, Yan-Li ZHANG.One case of drug-induced liver injury caused by Morodan[J].Yaowu Liuxingbingxue Zazhi,2023, 32(3): 356-360.DOI: 10.19960/j.issn.1005-0698.202303014.[Article in Chinese]

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A 60-year-old female patient with chronic atrophic gastritis was treated with Morodan (16 pills, po, tid ), omeprazole (20 mg, po, bid ) and other drugs. After treatment, she developed symptoms such as fatigue, anorexia, greasy, yellow skin and sclera, and yellow urine. The liver function index was significantly increased, ALT 1 483 U·L-1, AST 1 066 U·L-1, AKP 351 U·L-1, γ-GT 246 U·L-1, TBil 28.4 μmol·L-1, DBil 24.9 μmol·L-1. The patient's liver function was normal before medication, and she had a history of liver function damage caused by Morodan. According to the Roussel Uclaf causality assessment method of drug-induced liver injury, the score was 9 points. It was considered that ‘most likely' was the drug-induced liver injury caused by Morodan. The liver function returned to normal after discontinuation of Morodan and liver protection treatment. Followed up for half a year, liver function indicators were normal.

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