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Analysis of cross allergy warning signs in 641 instructions for non-antibacterial drugs with sulfonamide structure and prescription audit suggestions

Published on Jan. 15, 2023Total Views: 1202 times Total Downloads: 473 times Download Mobile

Author: Xuan LIU Long YUAN Wei LI Yu LIU

Affiliation: Department of Pharmacy, Tongji Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430030, China

Keywords: Sulfonamides Non-antibacterial drugs Cross hypersensitivity Drug instructions Drug risk management

DOI: 10.19960/j.issn.1005-0698.202301004

Reference: Xuan LIU, Long YUAN, Wei LI, Yu LIU.Analysis of cross allergy warning signs in 641 instructions for non-antibacterial drugs with sulfonamide structure and prescription audit suggestions[J].Yaowu Liuxingbingxue Zazhi,2023, 32(1): 25-29.DOI: 10.19960/j.issn.1005-0698.202301004.[Article in Chinese]

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Objective  By collecting the instructions of commonly used clinical sulfonamides non-antibacterial drugs, the labeling of cross-allergic items in the instructions of such drugs was analyzed, and the appropriate prescription review strategy was explored.Methods  In December 2021, by querying Yaozhi.com's instruction manual database, medication assistant software (mobile version) and MCDEX software (online version), we collected the instructions for non-antibacterial drugs with sulfonamide structure commonly used in China, and the instructions for cross-allergic warnings and Taboo content was summarized and analyzed by Excel.

Results  There were 17 drugs in 5 categories and 641 non-antibacterial drug instructions with sul-fonamide structure, including 115 circulating diuretics, 189 thiazides and related diuretics, and 273 sulfonylurea antibacterial drugs, 6 carbonic anhydrase inhibitors. Among them, the instructions of 8 drugs differed on the labeling of cross allergy.

Conclusion  At present domestic sulfanilamide structure of antimicrobial manual al-lergic to cross item tagging is larger differences, which reflects the cross of the drug allergy still exists in the practical application of the larger controversy. In the process of formulating the auditor's strategy, the differ-ences in the explanation should be well controlled, according to the description of the corresponding instruc-tions, we can accurately identify and remind the cross allergy of such drugs.

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